Rack Railway
The rack railway Diakopto – Kalavrita and unforgettable ride through the unsurpassed beauty of bouraikos Gorge is one of the most beautiful natural monuments of our country, and has been described as the more spectacular railway line in the Balkans. The manufacture of toothed rail decided on Trikoypikis governance and ended in 1895.

Bouraikos Gorge
The Gorge vouraikos is one of the most beautiful natural sights of our country. Beside the train tracks there is a trail that is marked with symbols of the European path E4 used by Greek and foreign hikers. The path for the download requires approximately 6 hours and for climbing about 7 to 8 hours.

Monastery of Mega Spilaio Σπηλαίου
The monastery of mega Spilaio is the 10th kilometer of road Kalavryta – Punta – national road Patras-Athens and is built in 362, in a stunning landscape at the entrance of a natural cave at an altitude of 924 metres. The walls of the Church to the monastery are covered with frescoes by 1653. Also there are kept and manuscripts Gospels and vestments.

Monastery of Agia Lavra Λαύρας
The historic monastery of Agia Lavra is located 5 km. from Kalavryta and was founded in the 10th century by a hermit. There is the banner of the swearing of the fighters of 1821, the Epitaph of 1754 embroidered in Izmir, the image of St George embroidered in Istanbul, Gospel dwrismeno by the Empress of Russia Catherine II the Great, the gold-embroidered vestments of Paleon patron Germanou str.

Memorial Of Fighters
The dominant Hill North of the monastery of Agia Lavra rises the brightest monument of the nation. It is the Memorial of the fighters of the revolution of 1821, who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the Greek nation from the Turks. The Memorial consists of a composition of three andriantwn representing the participation of clergy and of fighters in the revolution of 1821 and the Freedom of the Greek nation from the Turkish Occupation.

Place Of Sacrifice
The place of sacrifice is located at 5445 Hill, 500 meters from the center of the camp. There, on 13 December 1943, led and executed all the men of the area from 14 years of age and over, by the Germans. Today, in Kapi spine is the sculpture of mother and Kalabrytinis the great cross that rises over the martyred city to evoke the Holocaust of Kalavryta.

Ski Center Κέντρο Καλαβρύτων
The ski centre is located 14 km. from the town of Kalavrita, is very well organized and accepts each year 100,000. It has a total of seven lifts: one triple overhead, an aerial and five ski lifts. The slopes of the Centre is twelve, have a total length of 20 km. and include all levels of difficulty and a multi-purpose building 700 sq.m., in place Deep Lacquer, with canteen, public areas for the convenience of skiers.

Cave of the Lakes
It is a rare creation of nature and hardly anyone to meet equal. It is located near the village of Kastria, on the main road of Patras-Kalavryta-Kleitoria-Tripoli, and is located approximately 17 km. from Kalavryta, 9 km from Klitoria and 60 km. from Tripoli. The developed length of the cave, which can be visited, is 500 m.